New initiatives for 2024

If it’s not one thing, it’s another, 2023

 Accepting difficult realities, 2021

A difficult year, 2020

A new start in 2019

Articles and a book, 2018


A few examples of projects completed in 2017

Projects completed in 2016

Even further back to 2015

Quite some time ago now, in 2014

Examples from 2013

And from 2012

Other examples from 2011

And some examples from 2010

  • Taylor and Francis Online: International Journal of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence The Basque Secret Service (1936-1945)
    Author: A. Díaz University of Burgos.
  • A series of 3 articles on the Pilgrims’ Way of Saint James for the Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento:
    • The Politics of Pilgrim Care: a study in Roncesvalles
      Author: José Andrés Gallego.
    • The Pilgrims’ Way of Saint James and Islam: Pilgrimage, Politics and Militias
      Author: Ana María Carballeira Debasa.
    • Old and New Pilgrimages linked to the Spanish Civil War
      Author: Antón M. Pazos.
  • Social considerations in Spanish Public Procurement Law
    Author: Teresa Medina (Dpto de Derecho, Universidad de Burgos).
  • A step away from death
    Article by Álvaro Corcuera Ortiz de Guinea published in Spanish in El País 17/01/2010.

Far less recent examples, 2009

  • Towards a common area for administrative sanctions
    Author: Prof. Adán Nieto (Instituto de Derecho Penal, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha).
  • Stress Separation techniques in photoelasticity – a review
    Author: M Solagueren-Beascoa Fernández, J M Alegre Calderón (Universidad de Burgos).
  • The fight against stereotyping and prejudice in older adults: Perspective taking effectiveness
    Author: Jose Álvarez Castillo, Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal, Carmen Palmero Cámara, Hugo González González (Universidad de Cordoba, Universidad de Burgos).
  • Chemical analysis of clay bodies in bell-beaker ceramics from Paulejas (Burgos, Spain): Emulative processes and their implications
    Author: Eduardo Carmona Ballestero, Miguel Ángel Arnaiz Alonso, Susana Pañlmero Díaz, Álvaro Colina Santamaría (Universidad de Burgos).
  • The Spanish Intelligence Community: A Diffuse Reality
    Author: Antonio Díaz (Universidad de Burgos).
  • Processions and Passion Floats – Burgos Semana Santa 2009
  • An Approach to Current Problems in European Criminal Law
    Author: Adán Nieto Martín, Instituto de Derecho Penal (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).

Distinctly old examples, 2008

  • Procesos penales en la Unión Europea: garantías esenciales (Ed. Montserrat de Hoyos) [Criminal proceedings throughout the European Union: essential safeguards] 2008, Lex Nova, Valladolid.
  • The proceedings of an international conference organized in October 2007 under the auspices of the Institute of European Studies of Valladolid University. Bilingual edition Lex Nova (Consult Catalogue)
  • Perfil de jóvenes con adicciones que siguen un programa terapeútico. Relación con otras variables psciosociales e implicaciones educativas.
    Author: Raquel de la Fuente Anuncibay).
    [A profile of young people with addictions following a therapeutic programme: educational implications and psycho-social variables]
  • Una experiencia de Portafolio Digital Docente en la Universidad de Burgos como factor de Orientación.
    Authors: Mª Sonia Fría González, Beatriz Izquierdo Ramírez.
    [The experience of a digital teaching portfolio as an orientation factor at the University of Burgos]
  • Aprendizaje estrategico de simulación y análisis funcional en el diseño de los mecanismos y de su montaje con CAD en un master profesional
    Authors: B. Ramos Barbero and R. García García.
    [Strategic knowledge of CAD simulation and functional analysis in mechanism design and assembly on a professional master’s degree course]
  • A fiscal response to foreign aid: evidence from Nicaragua
    Authors: Mariola Gozalo Delgado and Fernando Rueda Junquera.
  • El Duero en Soria o la construcción literaria de un paisaje patrimonial
    Author: Begoña Bernal.
    [The River Duero in Soria or the literary construction of a heritage landscape]
  • Revision and partial translation of a European PhD on the subject of masonry walls.
    author’s details withheld.
  • Redrafting and translation of tourist information on Burgos Castle.

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